The past few weeks have greatly enhanced my education on the plight of our black brothers and sisters.  I’ve had many ‘intense’ conversations with friends who have patiently contributed to my awareness. 

Recently, various cultural groups including the AGO and ROM, to name a few, have been virtually educating us on Black Artists.

The National Art Gallery displays several pieces of Robert S. Duncanson’s beautiful Canadian landscapes dating back to 1864. He was the first African-American artist to receive international recognition and who also lived in Montreal for a couple of years prior to moving to Europe.  

I thank The Art Canada Institute for that piece of knowledge. They are dedicated to researching, cataloguing, educating and promoting Canada’s art to the public. We have a deeply rich fine arts culture. I am inspired by all those who have made sure their voices are heard.  

And, ... I admit, I still have a lot to learn.

Check-out Art Canada Institue June 5th, 2020 Newsletter as per below. BLACK ART MATTERS - TEN CANADIAN ARTISTS TO KNOW

The links below are not live - however, if you go directly to their June 5th, 2020 newsletter, those links are live.

Art Canada Institute Web Site

BTW - Sing-up for their newsletter. We have a very rich Canadian fine art culture. Plus, looking at all that fine artwork is a great break in the day.

Dolores Pian is a Master Interior Designer who crafts luxury residences, penthouses and purse parking.  Successful people seek her expertise to Design Reclaiming Time ©

 Because time is their truest luxury.

Drop her an e-mail to say hello and let her know what you thought of this blog post.

Dolores Pian’s blog posts are meant to inform and entertain. Please consult Dolores Pian directly if you need any specific information for your specific spaces.